Chemical Grouting
Developed nearly fifty years ago, chemical grouting is the oldest and best method for impeding ground water infiltration into structurally sound sewer systems. Chemical grout is injected through leaking joints, cracks, faults and voids at lateral openings and other areas. The most common points of entrance for ground water infiltration are in manholes at joints and service line connections.
Installed packer
Polyurethane Grout
Polyurethane grout is often used in non-structural water infiltration/inflow related repairs. Our technicians inject polyurethane grout in actively leaking joints, cracks, faults and voids using mechanical packers that are installed by drilling the structure, inserting the packer and tightening. Polyurethane grout is then injected at high pressure. Two types of polyurethane grout are typically used in these applications, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. Hydrophobic grout repels, has high expansion and cures rigid. Hydrophilic absorbs water, has lower expansion and cures to a flexible foam. Both styles require an actively leaking crack as they are water activated. Polyurethane grouting is a common fix in water treatment plants also were tanks with unconsolidated or aging concrete leak.
Epoxy Grout Injection
Hydroactive polyurethane grout installed
Epoxy grout injection is also used in the repair of a wide variety of concrete and other structures. Epoxy injection is a bonding process. The material fills cracks and welds them together structurally. Epoxy grout is also pushed through the crack under high pressure and the bond it forms is stronger than the substrate itself. This repair restores structural strength to the cracked concrete and mitigates concrete spall initiated by cracked concrete. Epoxy injection can be used to prevent the corrosion of reinforced steel and to fill voids in unconsolidated concrete.
Mechanical packers installed
Drilling and installing packers along a crack line
Identifying leaking cracks and marking for drilling
Drilling crack for installation of mechanical packers for polyurethane grout injection
Thul Specialty Contracting technicians benefit from over 35 years of successful experience in the application of chemical grout in thousands of lineal feet of cracks, in various types of structures, to halt inflow and infiltration, restore structural integrity and provide the necessary repair of failing concrete.
Our preferred suppliers are:
Lily Corporation
De Neef Construction Chemicals, Inc.