

Thul Specialty Contracting technicians can rehabilitate manhole structures by first cleaning and preparing substrates to receive application of coatings designed to resist the effects of hydrogen sulfide gas, and or the effects of aging.


Manhole Rehabilitation

Encumbered treatment plants, increased treatment costs, surcharged lines and environmental pollution are the results of infiltration. For years, efforts to reduce or correct infiltration and its associated problems have concentrated on rehabilitating the main lines, although manholes and other underground structures commonly account for 30 to 50 percent of a system's infiltration.


Installing manhole spray liner

Debris from traffic loading, shifting and expanding soils, temperature variation and cyclic ground water loading seriously weaken manholes and other sewer system structures. Over time, ground water will find its way through fatigue cracks and weakened joints, leading to further deterioration of the structure. Fallen bricks and mortar can block the sewer flow, and may eventually lead to collapse, seriously endangering the surface and surrounding environment.


Sulfide-rich effluents, warm humid environment and long retention times create the perfect conditions for microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC). MIC, a result of acid-producing bacteria known as Thiobacillus, is the principal cause of corrosion in a municipal sewer system. These microorganisms metabolize elemental sulfur oxidized from H2S sewer gas and produce sulfuric acid as a waste product which then attacks the substrate. This sulfuric acid can quickly destroy ordinary concrete-based materials in a municipal sewer system.

Thul Specialty Contracting technicians can rehabilitate manhole structures by first cleaning and preparing substrates to receive application of coatings designed to resist the effects of hydrogen sulfide gas, and or the effects of aging.  Application of these coating systems include, spray applied gunite cementitious linings, cast/poured in place liners or the dynamic all in one rehab and corrosion protection system PPC, Polymorphic Polymer Coatings  Our crews apply cementitious liners on the interior of manholes to restore structural integrity. Chimney seals are often required to inhibit inflow at the top of the structure. When combined with chemical grout injection and corrosion resistant final coatings in severely corrosive atmospheres, the result is a strong, inflow and infiltration free structure at a fraction of replacement costs.


Brick and mortar before rehab


Brick and mortar after rehab

Contact us today for additional information on manhole rehab.


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